Thursday, 5 July 2012

Dialogue With Boko Haram

In the article "The Faceless Boko". The question was asked, "who will be sitting at the dialogue table with the Federal Government? The illiterate Boko Haram or the Political Hooligans?" There are several more questions to be asked. For example, "What will the Government discuss?", "what compromise will be made?"

As we know, in every dialogue there is a compromise. See my side and i see yours. Do this and i will do this or stop doing this. So in the case of the real but illiterate Boko Haram what will the compromise be? Stop dropping bombs and shooting people and we will all think about being islamists? Not likely. Dialogue won't work.

The supporters of dialogue are citing the Niger-Delta issue but this writer wonders how mentally blind some people can be. The boys of the Niger-Delta were fighting for a just cause. "Stop destroying my land while you take my oil." Compromises could be made. We will stop desecrating your land and waters and impoverishing you, we will also grant you amnesty and in return you will drop your weapons.

There is no way that either of the Boko Harams' terms can be met, not even marginally, so we need to drop the charade. Dialogue cannot work!

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